College of Health & Medical Techniques

College News

Scientific seminar entitled Out of contr...

In line with the slogan "Towards a Sustainable University" and the third goal of the Sustainable Dev...

Scientific lectures on anesthesia device...

As part of a series of scientific lectures for third-year students in the Department of Anesthesia T...

A practical workshop to learn how to mea...

In line with the slogan "Towards a Sustainable University" and the third goal of the Sustainable Dev...

A research team led by Assistant Profess...

Towards a sustainable university and to achieve the third goal (good health) and the seventeenth goa...

Workshop on Pulmonary Function Testing...

In line with the slogan "Towards a Sustainable University" and the third goal of the Sustainable Dev...

Future University continues preparations...

For the Future Week Sustainability Festival..

As part of Future University’s preparations...

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